Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Restless Mind

  Well, it has been a while since I wrote anything, but since I can't sleep, I might as well write something. The past couple weeks have been great, I couldn't ask for more, but there is someone who is still trying to contact me, and I don't want her to contact me at all!  She is the one to where she used me to get her to and from school, and she was excited to spend time with her family, and not me... Well now, all she wants is to have me back.. And it is starting to upset me, I normally don't let anything upset me anymore, I just shake it off ad move on, but knowing that she won't give up is going to upset me more. I want to tell her to just back off and leave me alone, KuB mich am Arsech! (Don't ask, I am not translating.) I have found my someone, and she has lost her chance, All I have to say is this, "If she really cared about me in the first place, then she would have done everything in the WORLD to keep me." That is her fault not mine.
  I know for a fact that Karissa will talk to me about (almost) anything, but I don't push her to talk, she can talk whenever she wants too. I care abou her so much that I would do anything for her, even if it means having to stay on campus to comfort her when she is upset about something. I just get these feelings that something is wrong, not all the time though. It is normally after she has a stressful and/or a bad day and my initial reaction to that is to hold her, comfort her and tell her that everything will be okay, I stress the words "will be" a lot, cause everthing that has happened before just seems to come back and bite her, it reall upsets her when everything is going good and somethin just HAS to get in her way, Well that's what I am here for. I am here for her to talk to me when she wants to, and she don't have to worry about anything, I have an open mind to everythng and I really want to help her make it through the tough times. She means everything to me, and I will not let anyone or anything stop me.

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