Monday, October 11, 2010

(Insert Title Here)

Answer me this question... How many people do you think in this world think that they can just text, or tell someone to there face that they have NO SELF MORALS?!?! What is the point if telling someone that?? That is something that really dispise about people... They think that they are Even all mighty and that their oppinion is the only one that matters... It makes me sick!!

Just a while ago, there was someone that texted me, I never talk to this person cause they never text back, so I just gave up all together. This person asked me what I was doing, so I politly told them that I was eating dinner... Little did I know that I was going to get yelled at for what I was eating. All this person could do was "yell" at me for getting a burgure from McDonald's, yes it is bad if you have it CONSTANTLY, but I only had it once this month, so they go on a yelling spree, in quote "That right there is the reason why you are a FAT A**! You have no self worth or morals for yourself, you can just go ahead and have a heart attack for all I care!!" In my opinion, that was harsh, made me feel bad about myself, yes I have had problems in the past about letting things go, but I have got to start learning sometime or another. I still have a hard time letting things go from the summer after I graduated High School, that was two years ago! But I am slowly starting to let everything go and not let anything stop me from progressing, Though I have a hard time talking about it in front of people. Especially in front of Karissa, I know that she is having hard times every now and again, but I don't want to add any more pressure on to her than what she has. My plan is to help her move on from everything in the past, and maybe, just maybe, if I am able to help her, I can get myself to let go of everything. I trust her so much, but there are just somethings that I am afraid to talk to her about.. My past relationships is one of them. I would start talking about how this person would have treated me, but I would stop in mid-sentance and just drop it right then and there... I really need to stop doing that, cause she has the right to know about my past... But that is if she wants to know, she already told me that it is up to me if I want to tell her...

So, I guess what I am trying to ask is, What should I do? What do I need to know/learn? Is there something that I have missed in the past years? These questions still lengar in my head and I don't have any answers for myself. I know that if someone is degrading me, just sing a song in my head and just shake it off, but the others? I just don't know...  Maybe if I can talk to Karissa about it, I could find the answers I am looking for and be able to just forget everything and start over.


  1. You shouldn't worry about talking about it in front of me. I will listen and will give any help I can. You have been so amazing with me and you are being so patient and I really hope that some day soon I can talk to you about everything. You are so amazing and I feel so safe and comfortable talking to you. We will definitely be able to help each other out it just has to start with one of us talking and I know that is definitely the hardest part for me.

  2. I want to tell you so bad about what happened to me, but just not knowing how the reaction is going to happen is all.. You are amazing too! I can't have all the credit. You must first know who you are comfortable around first before you can talk to anyone. And I will try and finish my sentances instead of stopping in mid-sentence. And you are just an Amazing girl, all I can say is tale all the time you need. cause I might be able to talk to you about my past the next time we meet.
