Saturday, September 24, 2011

Worse Week Ever..

Well, it has been a while, hasn't it.. RECAP: Manged to find someone that likes me over the summer, didn't know how to tell them. When I did? It went well.. And all was well, right? WRONG!

The past week was HELL! Period! No questions asked. It really just.. I don't know, I'm tired of getting hurt. Why is it, every time, I find someone that I care about, that turn around and just decided that they feel nothing more than friends, or they're not ready, (no offence to anyone who may read this.) but seriously!? GOSH! I really wish that someone would just take me for me and not make me cry.. have I mentioned that I've been crying for the past week? Oh My GOSH! I forgot to mention that!? HA!

So, question; what do you do AFTER you break up with someone? Not talk to them? Try to talk to them? Consult with them? ANYTHING!? Well, I've been IGNORED for the past week and I just want to talk to her. But she's refusing to (At least that's what it feels like). I'm literally on the edge of just quitting. I'm serious. Why try to love when all you get is thrown out like trash, well, some of them are like that. But what does a guy have to do to just find that someone? Really.. Answer me that. What DO girls WANT from a guy? Possible Answer? "They like the chase." *points to the quote* Anyone believe that? What does it mean? It means that girls would rather chase after the boys who are hard to get than rather than deal with the nice guys like me! GAH! *Punches wall* That's all I'm getting out of all this. And I just wish that there some reason why I can't seem to hold a relationship longer than three months. I. DISLIKE. BEING. ALONE!

On a final Note. I'm done with dating for now. Good luck trying to get me to open to you, cause I'm locking my feelings away unless you find the key... And I'm not telling you where it is either....

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