Sunday, January 23, 2011

Absents makes the Heart grow fonder.

  So.. It has been a while since I have written anything on here.. Let a lone have anything to say. but there has been something that is on my mind.. I really miss someone. And that someone is Karissa. I really wish that I would have us time back.. We haven't seen each other or talk to each other in a while, but of course it is the start of the semester and we are going to be busy. But I can't help not missing her.. She's amazing and I would do anything in the world for her. I would literally jump in front of a train for this girl.. I love her too much to lose her and everyday that we are apart I feel like we are taking a step away from each other, I feel so parinoid when I think about this I get to almost to the point of tears about it, but I keep reminding myself about a saying the my Grandpa told me "Absents makes the heart grow fonder" with this I think about her all the time and I am so glad that I have her in my life, she has helped me move on from my past and I plan on doing the same for her. I want to be the person who would make her happy no matter what the problem or the situation is, I want to be that shield that protects her, I really don't like watching her hurt, that is what really gets me. Seeing HER hurting, and knowing she is hurting takes a toll on me. I just seem to get these feelings when I just talk to her, it's like I know when when she is trying to hide she is upset but I know she is. For example over Christmas; we went to dinner with her step mom and her dad, it was her early birthday dinner and we had fun, afterworlds we went to the Christmas Parade, until she got a phone call.. The second she answered it, I knew something was wrong, she attempted to hide it after but it didn't work well with me. Just seeing her that way made me upset, So we attempted to talk about it and I think it was successful. I got her to smile and laugh, which means I did what I was suppose to do, which made me feel better.

  So in conclution, I hope I get to have our time together soon and go on a date.. Which I will plan, she is going to be surprised when I pull it off.. =]

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